Written by The Ridgefield Press
Monday, 07 November 2011 05:29
Ridgefielders are lucky to have more than 30 candidates — Republicans,
Democrats, an unaffiliated voter — running for office on Nov. 8, including 23 in
five contested races. It takes concern and courage to run: hats off to them
Ridgefield is great place, and doing remarkably well considering how tough
the economic times are — a 1% tax increase last year. The four incumbents on the
Board of Selectmen deserve re-election: two Democrats, Barbara Manners, who has
done so much for the arts and to enrich community life in town, and Di Masters,
the community center director and a former Planning and Zoning chair; and two
Republicans, Andy Bodner, the board’s house skeptic and numbers man, and Maureen
Kozlark, the moderate longtime school board veteran.
That said, Jan Rifkinson,
the unaffiliated petitioning candidate, deserves credit and the town’s thanks
for making a contest of it and running a clean issue-oriented campaign. [...]