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Monday, May 24, 2010

Vote 'No' at the May 26 Town Meeting > My take on the proposed flagman ordinance

"Police Chief John Roche and other commissioners agreed that though the ordinance was brought forward for economic reasons, it is a safety measure that would benefit the town."
Well, now it's too late to change the sense of the ordinance.

If the police union and the First Selectman could not come to a wage agreement across the negotiation table, then it should have gone to arbitration. End of story.

The problem is that Mr. Marconi agreed to the proposed ordinance as part of the town's contract negotiations with the police union. Therefore, for the police union, it is rightfully an economic issue. No matter what anyone else wants to call it, it is built in overtime for police officers & the town has to proceed to present the ordinance for a vote at a town meeting. This will happen Wednesday, May 26th.

Never should a proposed vote by the public be part of a labor contract. It becomes a hidden tax rather than the town's cost of doing business which is budgeted annually.

If it was purely a safety issue -- which I believe it is -- it could be handled by the Police Commission as part of their charge. The Police Chief can shut down any job that he considers a traffic or safety hazard and, by his own admission, he currently has the right to determine if an assignment is a 'special duty' assignment (i.e. offered to any off duty officer) or as part of the regular work day or if a non-police flagman is sufficient to handle the work.

A 'special duty' assignment requires a four hour minimum assignment at time and a half or -- on special occasions -- double time. Except for rare exceptions like a private party or something along those lines, I believe all this could be handled within a normal work day. If it became too much for the current force to handle as indicated by a rise in the crime rate, an outrageous increase in overtime, overworked police officers or something along those lines, the Police Commission could recommend the hiring of an additional officer to take up the extra load in the future. 

In my opinion, this is just another example of why Ridgefield should hire a town centric labor relations firm to negotiate ALL town contracts in the future. Had that been the case, this entire matter would probably not have arisen because it would have been foreseen by a professional negotiator. 

In this case, I don't think the town was well served by our First Selectman.


  1. Agreed. But now how do we get out of this predicament?

  2. vote 'no' to ordinance in any form

  3. We could vote no, but probably irrelevant because I think it will be turned into a regulation anyway. The residents will have no say at all. How can this be? Extrapolate, the police can pass a regulation saying if you are driving on West Lane, you must wear an orange hat or pay a $400 fine. Absurd right? But if the flagman rule can be made into law, than so can the orange hat rule. This is democracy gone astray.

  4. Police Commission duties @ http://www.ridgefieldct.org/content/50/4403/default.aspx
    Their mandate is traffic & administering the police dept. The issue is whether a citizen will be compelled to hire a police officer & to bear the cost. I don't believe this can be 'regulated'. Currently the Chief can close down any 'job' that is causing a traffic hazard until there is a proper flag person is assigned (not necessarily a cop).

  5. From where I sit, it seems like town hall has gotten us into a terrible mess with no exit strategy.

    Choice 1) BOS/Town Meeting passes an ordinance. Result: Lawsuit from Police Commission over jurisdiction. Lawsuit from Police Union to get back-dated overtime pay from last year.

    Choice 2) BOS/Town Meeting doesn't pass an ordinance. Result: Police Commission WILL pass regulation. Lawsuit from BOS over jurisdiction. Lawsuit from Police Union over faulty contract. Lawsuit from Police Union to get back-dated overtime pay from last year.

    Choice 3) Do nothing. Lawsuit from Police Union over faulty contract. Lawsuit from Police Union for failure to adhere to contract.

    Everything avenue is a loss

    Choice 4) Pick anything from 1 to 3 above. Take our lumps. Then fire a good chunk of Police Department and other town employees to generate money to pay off lawsuits. Seriously.

    I think whoever got us into this mess needs to resign.

  6. I think I covered the responsibility angle in my article. Given the choices you've presented, I don't believe you have a grasp on all the facts & I'll leave it there. Veteran's Park Auditorium, May 26, be there or be square.

  7. "I don't believe you have a grasp on all the facts & I'll leave it there."

    Could you tell me what I am missing so I will be motivated to come to the meeting, because I see no way out. One way or another it is checkmate.

  8. Sorry, your motivation is not my responsibility. If you are interested in participating in your town's gov't, I hope you will come out to vote.

  9. Remind me again why someone would want to make comments on your blog?
