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Friday, December 9, 2016


Broadening Ridgefield's tax base, improving Main Street while maintaining Ridgefield's quaintish [sic] lifestyle should be the top priority for the Selectmen.

We have spent thousands of tax dollars on economic development consultants without any change. 

We know renting first-floor, Main Street storefronts for office space only subtracts from a quaint Main Street. You took months to contemplate a food truck ordinance but have not been able to decide on first-floor occupancy for years.

Currently, you are discussing hiring a Parking/Development person at $20,000 a year to wrestle the problem. Adding to government bureaucracy is not the answer. Policy is the answer and you  -- BoS -- are responsible for policy. Maybe after you have a policy, adding an administrative position might make sense. 

But if you must, make it a contract/freelance position at half the salary with a commission incentive, split between the town & property owners, for every new business lured to Ridgefield. 

Then the NIMBY problem -- Not In My Back Yard. There are some 'businesses' that have abandoned plans in town because of NIMBY. 

While I understand the NIMBY concerns, there has to be a balance between special interests and community development.

The state wants to widen Main Street, straighten cross streets, add turning lanes, sync traffic lights for crossing safety. Baloney; don't do it.

The state only wants to relieve Route 7 traffic at our expense. None of their goals will help Main Street. 

Find a charming solution: raise the crosswalks slightly, lay Belgian block for differentiation, maintain the pedestrians crosswalk signs on Main and 35 & enforce the traffic laws. 

Spending an extra two minutes in Main Street traffic isn't a detriment. It's part of Ridgefield living & may even provide a moment for people to glance into a store front window and decide to buy something.