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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pledge of Allegiance before the Board of Selectmen Meeetings - Yes or No? Well..... maybe.

Ridgefield Press Letter to the Editor
Published April 5, 2012

It strikes me that Ms. Manners is entitled to her opinion, discomfort and reservations about pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States of America before the Board of Selectmen's bi-monthly meeting but I also believe the Select(wo)men should be able to take a vote on this very simple issue without hiding behind some consensus polled from other towns. 

Ridgefield should do what it thinks is right for Ridgefield. Take your choice: we can lead, follow or fall in line.

To me this inaction simply demonstrates the board's "leadership" qualities. Ms. Manners had the courage to speak clearly to her convictions. I give her credit for that. Everyone else sort of punted. 

I, myself, do not say "under god" when reciting the pledge because I believe in a strict separation of church and state.

Should the Board of Selectmen decide to pledge allegiance at the start of their meetings, Ms. Manners can stand silently, in respect and if I am one of the three audience members usually at one of these meetings, I can recite the pledge, without enunciating the words "under god". And everyone else can do what makes them comfortable. It is a free country. Right?

The only point here -- for me -- is that the Board of Selectmen was not able to demonstrate some leadership and  take a vote on a simple request by a taxpayer for fear of..... what? .... losing the next election? 

Board of Selectmen members: Please learn to vote your real convictions, what you really think is right on ALL matters, big and small, no matter the political consequence and distinguish yourselves as the leaders you are supposed to be instead of constantly pandering to some group for next year's vote. 

In my opinion, it really diminishes you as a board.

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